Bragging Rights and Bee Butts

Karla and Deann came back from Spokane last Sunday with all the plants intact and looking great. Included were two blue ribbons for my white Cattleya, C. Bob Betts, and Phragmepedium Ecua-Bess. Sometimes it is just worth the wait.

Good news on the spring front however. Not only are more and more small green shoots and bright flowers appearing nearly every day, the bees are out as well. Monday while working in the middle Rattlesnake in Carolyn’s garden the bees were veritably attacking her crocus. The black and gold-striped center of the crocus on the left is actually the back end of a bee. I believe the crocus is a variety called Pickwick, distinct because of the striped petals. In my own garden the dwarf iris have come out in full bloom. It is too much to ask what varieties these are, the tags and bag are long since lost. But since I took the photo Tuesday I have managed to get half my beds cleaned up. I'll work on the others over the weekend.